Sobha Nesara’s Digital Triumph

Sobha Realty, an international luxury developer, is renowned for its commitment to creating sustainable communities that redefine the art of living. With their new and upcoming project, Sobha Nesara, they wanted to increase social media followers, generate awareness, and capture quality leads for the project


16% increase in
month-on-month lead flow

50% growth of quality
leads in 4 months

25% per month increase
in Ads impression


The primary objectives for Sobha Nesara were to increase social media followers, create awareness, and capture a substantial number of quality leads. They aimed to maintain control over Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Cost Per Quality Lead (CPQL) to ensure a positive return on investment.


To establish a strong online presence, gain traction and engagement on social media platforms.
To strike a balance between lead quantity and lead quality.
To come up with innovative strategies to maximize the impact.

We designed separate branding campaigns to build brand consideration among the target audience. This approach helped increase awareness of Sobha Nesara, setting the stage for future conversions. To tackle high CPL on Facebook ads, we created carousel videos.
These visually engaging and informative videos effectively showcased the features and benefits of Sobha Nesara, resulting in improved campaign performance and the generation of quality leads.

We employed retargeting strategies based on user interactions with videos and landing pages. By targeting users who had displayed genuine interest, they increased the likelihood of lead conversions. Additionally, lookalike campaigns were created based on site visits and booking data to further scale the campaign.
We constantly analyzed campaign performance, leveraging booking user data to optimize the campaigns further. This approach enabled us to refine targeting and creative elements, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Our partnership with Sobha Realty exemplified the power of innovative strategies in boosting social media presence and lead generation for the Sobha Nesara project. By implementing separate branding campaigns, utilizing carousel videos, leveraging Google Smart Call Ads, and employing retargeting and lookalike audiences, we effectively addressed the challenges faced.